How to Design a Bathroom Tile Layout

the cambridge bath co

Knowing how to design a bathroom tile layout is key if you want to tie different elements of your room together. However, few homeowners have the expertise to do work this complex – so it’s often easier to enlist professional help. There are many reasons to update a bathroom. Whatever your motivation, rest assured that our contract bathroom team only works with the best brands and suppliers to give you high-quality products at competitive prices.

Keep reading to find out how we’ll make your bathroom shine.

1. Don’t underestimate the importance of grout

Grout is more than just a filler that sits between your tile seams. It’s an integral part of the design process. Light-coloured grout against light-coloured tiling barely shows at all; contrastingly, a darker shade will look imposing. Your bathroom fitter will help you make the right choice.

2. A symmetrical design is easier to comprehend

Each feature of your bathroom should seamlessly join to the next. We know how to design a bathroom tile layout that’s professional and easy on the eye – and it’s not as hard as it sounds. For example, when bordering a sink, we’ll use the same sized tiles on either side to create an even design.

3. Minimise tile cutting to create a less chaotic effect

There’s nothing wrong with cutting tiles. In fact, it’s part and parcel of the process for an experienced bathroom designer. But too many small tiles can interrupt the visual flow of the room by creating a visually jarring effect. In our experience, it’s best practice to use as many large tiles as possible. We know how to design a bathroom tile layout, so contact us today Have a look at some of the photos on our Facebook page for inspiration then get in touch for advice and a free quote.